
RRSP, TFSA, and RESP Contribution Limits in 2023
RRSP, TFSA, and RESP Contribution Limits in 2023

As we enter the new year, it’s important to start strategizing your expenses in 2023. One of the great ways to do this is by planning out your contributions in Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs), Registered Retirement Saving Plans (RRSPs), and/or Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs).

However, when doing so, you must be sure not to exceed your TFSA, RRSP, or RESP contribution limits – which are capped each year. To help Canadians plan their financial future wisely for 2023, we have created a comprehensive guide outlining each account limit as well as some other factors to be aware of. Read on to learn more about how you can maximize your savings and make wise choices that will benefit your long-term financial goals.


What are the contribution limits for RRSPs, TFSAs, and RESPs in Canada in 2023?

In Canada, the contribution limits for Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) and Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) are set by the Canadian Revenue Agency. For 2023, Canadians can contribute a maximum of $30,780 to an RRSP, $6,500 to a TFSA and $50,000 (in-total lifetime contributions) to an RESP. If you are interested in discovering how much contribution room you’d have in your TFSA if you didn’t contribute in a given year, you can find that number on your Notice of Assessment (NOA).

For RRSPs in particular, the amount that each individual can contribute depends on their income level; the higher their income is, the higher their maximum contribution limit will be. Contributions may also vary based on unused contributions of previous years. This means that if you have made a contribution in prior years but did not reach your maximum allowable contribution limit in any one year or cumulatively over multiple years, then you will be allowed to contribute up to the cumulative amount of those unused contributions. In addition, individuals must have earned income in order to make RRSP contributions.

With TFSAs on the other hand, contributions can only come from after-tax money; taxpayers cannot claim any tax deductions on these types of investments. There are also no income restrictions associated with contributing to TFSAs and all residents of Canada who are 18 years old or older may open and contribute to a TFSA regardless of their employment status. Unlike RRSPs though, once a person has contributed their yearly maximum limit for any given year they do not have access to carry forward unused contribution room from previous years.

Finally, with RESPs there are two annual contribution limitations: a lifetime total contribution limit of $50 000 per beneficiary as well as an annual contribution limit of $2500 per beneficiary each year. Contributions must come from after-tax dollars such as those derived from personal savings or even gifts received from friends or family members; however similar to RRSPs donors may receive government grants such as the Canada Education Savings Grant when making contributions into RESPs. The recipient also does not need to be employed nor do they need earned income in order for RESP contributions to be made which makes these plans great educational savings options for students at any stage of their academic career – high school graduation all the way through postgraduate studies!


How will these limits be affected by inflation?

One of the most important ways that inflation affects RRSP, TFSA, and RESP contribution limits is by changing the maximum amount allowed for individuals to contribute each year. This can be beneficial in some respects as it allows people to save more money over time. However, it also means that people must keep up with the changing limits in order to ensure they are contributing the maximum amount allowed each year.

When inflation increases, the contribution limits are adjusted accordingly. This is done to ensure that these programs remain relevant and useful for Canadians in a changing economic climate. For example, last year (2022) the TFSA contribution limit was $6000, and for this year (2023) the TFSA contribution limit is $6500.

It should be noted that while higher contributions may sound attractive initially, they also mean higher taxes later on when withdrawals are made. Therefore it’s important for individuals to take into account their personal circumstances when determining how much they should contribute in order to maximize their benefit from these programs. In addition, individuals should also track changes in inflation rates and adjust their contributions accordingly so as not to exceed annual contribution limits or miss out on additional savings opportunities over time due to fluctuating inflation levels.


What are some tips on how to maximize your contributions within the given limits?

One way to maximize your RRSP, TFSA, and RESP contributions within the given limits is to look for opportunities to take advantage of tax deductions or credits. For example, with an RRSP contribution, you can deduct the amount you’ve contributed to reduce the amount of taxable income reported on your tax return. You could also look into other ways to save on taxes with your RRSP such as taking advantage of home buyer’s plans (HBP) and life-long learning plans (LLP). With a TFSA you can grow your savings tax free so you don’t have to worry about paying taxes when you withdraw funds at a later date. It is important to remember that there are contribution limits for both of these accounts which need to be respected. When it comes to RESPs, contributions made towards a registered education savings plan will receive a matching grant from the government. This means that if you contribute $2,500 per year towards a RESP over five years and get the maximum government grant each year, then you would have an additional $7,500 in savings in addition to what was contributed by yourself.

Another way to maximize contributions within the prescribed limits is by setting up regular automatic transfers from your bank account into each type of account. Doing this will ensure that you are making regular deposits into each account and stay within the set limits since all contributions will be monitored automatically. Lastly, one should consider investing in stocks or bonds with their RRSP or TFSA accounts as they have potential for long-term appreciation or income generation which could help boost total return on investment over time. Similarly when it comes to RESPs one should look at investing in lower fee index funds which offer good diversification and returns over a long period of time instead of more risky investments such as individual stocks.


What should you do if you exceed your contribution limit?

If you exceed your RRSP, TFSA, and RESP contribution limits, it is important to take appropriate steps in order to avoid any potential penalties or fines. First and foremost, if you have exceeded the limit unintentionally due to lack of awareness or incorrect calculations, you should immediately contact your financial institution. Your financial institution can provide assistance on how to correct the overcontribution and help you determine whether you are eligible for relief from penalties imposed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

If the overcontribution was intentional and was done with purposeful intent, then it is important to take swift action in order to ensure that you do not incur any additional charges or fees. You must withdraw the excess amount plus the associated earnings within a specified time period as set out by CRA. Failure to do so will result in taxes owing on the income earned on those contributions plus a penalty representing 1% of the highest excess contribution per month until removed. In some cases, people may be able to apply for waiver of this penalty if certain criteria are met; however it is important to note that this is at CRA’s discretion and there is no guarantee of acceptance.

It is also important to note that although all three types of contribution limits differ in their rules and regulations when it comes to over-contributions, all three generally allow taxpayers up until their tax filing deadline (April 30) before they are subject to an additional 1% penalty per month until withdrawal. Furthermore, it’s essential that all individuals understand their personal contribution limit prior to making any type of investment otherwise they could face serious consequences.



It’s important to be aware of the contribution limits for each type of savings plan, how these limits are impacted by inflation, and to have strategies in place to make the most of each one. Exceeding the contribution limit can have consequences, so it’s important to know what those are and how to avoid them.

If you have questions about how contribution limits might affect your financial strategy, or if you would like some help maximizing the value of your RRSP, TFSA, or RESP, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. Our team at Evergreen Wealth Advisory are experts in tax-efficient investing and can help you make the most of your hard-earned investment dollars.